Anybody Wanna Buy a Ponytail?
Dear God, He Went Corporate!!!!

Before After shaved
Before After Young Republican

Due to a vicious shaving accident, the beard is now kaput. You may recall that this page was here originally to celebrate/mourn the fact that I actually cut off my ponytail. Now the job is complete. The GOP has already approached me about running on the November 2000 ticket.

It happened like this: To keep my beard looking decent, I used the Maverick trimmer by Remington. If you've never seen one of these, it's similar to electric shears except that it's much narrower and has a length adjuster built in.

I woke up in the middle of the night a few weeks ago to use the bathroom (more detail than you wanted, but deal with it). In my pre-dawn delirium, I accidentally knocked the trimmer off the shelf and onto the floor. After swearing a little, I picked it up and placed it back on the shelf and went back to sleep, putting the whole incident out of my head. The next morning, I went to trim my beard. After the first pass I noticed that part of my face was remarkably breezy. I took a look in the mirror and, sure enough, I had just cut a huge swath through the middle of my carefully cultivated beard. When I dropped the shaver that evening, the fall had apparently reset the length to one when I normally had it set to six, it's highest setting.

What choice did I have? I trimmed it all to the same short length, but found it looked like I had a serious six o'clock shadow. I figured, what the hell, let's just shave the whole thing clean and let it grow back complete. I thought maybe it would grow back even fuller.

When I got to work, everyone said they loved my face without the beard. Of course, the only people I really listened to were the women -- why else does a heterosexual man care about his appearance than to attract women? If men were left to their own devices, they'd all look like slobs. You may think I'm wrong, but look deep inside yourself. You'll see I'm right.

So, in the interest of looking half a shade better than I apparently used to, I decided to keep the beard off... for now. It's a bit of an experiment. I will admit that I'm dating a lot more since I cut the hair and shaved the beard, but it's still up to debate whether that can be attributed to facial hair or not.

What about your hair?

I cut my hair on 2/9/1998. They took a solid foot off, probably a little more. I don't think these pictures do a heck of a lot of justice to the cut, but you get the idea.

Why is this such a major thing? When I first came to UC Berkeley I finally did the two things my high school friends forbade me from doing -- I grew a beard and grew out my hair. Actually, the hair is a result of a nasty haircut experience I had. The first week I got to Cal I needed a haircut. I went to this little dive in the alley way I walked through to get home. It was a barber shop, or so they said. I got in and told the guy "Take off an inch." Mind you, my hair was fairly long at the point.

Whether he misheard me, or whether it's a "one size fits all" kinda place, I don't know. (one of my TA's got a haircut two weeks later. I immediately recognized it as mine and, sure enough, he got it at the same place) They left about an inch and a half of hair on my head. I wore a hat for about a month and swore I'd never get a haircut again in Berkeley.

I was supposed to graduate in May of 1997, but fate and REALLY bad study habits prolonged my stay at Cal by a year. I got the cut in February, shortly after being laid off from Digital City San Francisco. The reasoning was that I'd probably have a better chance getting a job if I didn't look like a Hell's Angels reject.

Comments? Questions? Wanna know who my stylist is? Send me E-mail.